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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

How Well Do You Know Your Neck?

How well do you know your neck? Your neck is a delicate and magnificent structure that holds up your head, moves in multiple directions and is often taken for granted until it is injured.

It may seem simple when looking from the outside, but inside your neck is a complex structure that is vital for your health.

Let’s start with the nervous system; your brain extends down through your skull and becomes your spinal cord in the upper part of your neck. The nerves control and coordinate the function of every cell, organ and tissue of your body. They control all of your vital organs including your heart, liver, lungs, stomach and kidneys. When you clear your throat, swallow or take a deep breath these actions are all controlled by the nerves.

All of the muscles that turn your head are also controlled by nerves. When you look to the left or to the right while driving your car or when you answer yes/no to a question, you are using nerves.

There are 7 bones that make up your neck, also known as your cervical spine. When you are a baby and you begin to raise your head to look around, your neck begins to develop its cervical curve which becomes your normal spinal alignment as you age. This alignment ensures proper movement of your neck and normal function.

Unfortunately, your neck can become easily injured from the birth process, falls, accidents and other types of stress which can affect the alignment and function of your spine as well as all of the organs and tissues supplied by those nerves. This injury is known as a vertebral subluxation and requires Neck Pain Treatment.

The neck is often overlooked when dealing with pain but there are distinct signs of neck injury that can be found during examination, as well as days, weeks, months and even years later. Because there is so much affected and controlled by the neck, these subluxations can cause other health problems such as body pains, headaches, allergies, attention deficit and so much more; the list of conditions that can be caused is quite long.

Rather than masking your symptoms with over the counter or prescription medication such as muscle relaxers or pain relievers which can have severe side effects, it’s better to get to the root of the problem and have the alignment of your neck corrected by a doctor of Chiropractic.

Pickett Chiropractic offers extremely effective and non-invasive solutions to pain which stimulates the body’s own healing ability.

Have you ever noticed an elderly person whose head was hunched forward? Think about how they had difficulty moving and turning, what you do not see is the impact that neck dysfunction is having on their health and quality of life because of the interference to the nervous system.

Isn’t it time you stop taking your health for granted? Protect yourself by making an appointment if you have neck pain in Navarre. Call Us at (850) 939-3339.

Having regular chiropractic checkups for your child can help identify potential spinal dysfunction and adjustments often help to enhance future function and well-being! Click here to learn about Chiropractic Care For Children in Navarre!

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