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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

Understanding the Sounds Of An Adjustment

Every day can be a struggle when you are in pain. Some people experience chronic pain that is so debilitating that they are unable to accomplish even the smallest daily tasks.

If you are dealing with headaches, backaches, neck pains that distract you from what matters most, Chiropractic Care is the answer.

Chiropractors are professionals that emphasize their procedure through manual adjustments and spinal manipulation, offering gentle techniques to eliminate pain naturally.

When you think of a chiropractic adjustment your mind might jump to the loud cracking or popping sound that is widely related to adjustments.

Many patients experience it. It may sound and feel alarming to you at first, considering the procedure involves your spine, but there is absolutely nothing to worry about!

What’s that sound?

The simple answer is that when adjusted by a professional, the “popping” sound you may hear is completely normal and healthy. During an adjustment your back undergoes gentle yet rapid stretching of the spinal joint.

There are tiny pockets of air taking in the form of fluid which surrounds your joints which are released during an adjustment, causing popping and cracking sounds. They are also referred to as Joint Cavitations.

If you have tried popping your back on purpose and heard that cracking sound, chances are you are performing it in a way that is detrimental to your spine. It is not recommended to try to do the adjustment yourself!

Huge problems may arise here as you have no thorough knowledge or understanding of the technique in which only a qualified chiropractor works with.

Bottom Line: The popping sound is not something to be worried about. It is a regular part of the process and if you still have questions it’s best to consult your chiropractor about your concerns.

Have questions regarding a Chiropractic Adjustment in Navarre?

Call us! (850) 939-3339

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