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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

Suffering From Neck Pain In Navarre? Find Relief Here!

navarre chiropractorMany conditions can be a cause of your Neck Pain in Navarre, from a traumatic injury to degenerative health conditions and poor posture. Don’t worry, relief is just a call away! (850) 939-3339

Neck pain can range from mild tenderness in the general area to sharp, stabbing pains in worse cases.

Chiropractic care can be extremely beneficial when it comes to chronic neck pain relief!

Using a holistic approach and our expertise combined, we find the root cause of your pain and have the best treatment options available.

Causes Of Neck Pain

Your neck is the most vulnerable part of your spine. Not only does it support the weight of your head and its rotation, but it also allows the free flow of nerve impulses throughout the rest of your body.

Chronic neck pain can result from typical everyday activities like looking down at your phone, sitting at a desk all day, and sleeping in a bad position.

Neck pain can also result from sports injuries, which is common when playing contact sports and lifting weights. Auto accidents are also known to cause whiplash, which is a painful type of neck injury.

Disc or joint problems can also occur through normal wear and tear. Discs that are bulging or herniated can press against nerves in the neck, causing pain.

If any of these causes sound familiar, give us a call! (850) 939-3339

Relation To The Spine

Most of our pain-sensing nerves in the neck are in the back of each vertebra of the spine. These smooth, interlocking surfaces allow you to rotate your head and look up and down. If these joints become locked or fixated, it causes neck pain.

If you have Neck Pain in Navarre, we can help!

These subluxations are common in cases of whiplash and joint instability. The body responds by tightening the muscles in the neck, splinting the joint to protect it from further injury.

Relieve Your Pain

No matter how bad your condition might be, our chiropractor can provide a detailed diagnosis and determine the source of your irritation.

Depending on the cause, your treatment may include routine chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue techniques, posture exercises, and lifestyle changes such as regular exercising.

Make An Appointment Today

We believe our bodies work as one connected system – the spine, nervous system, muscles, and joints all affect the way our bodies maintain and restore its health.

We combine a variety of treatments that reflect a natural approach so that your body can maintain optimal health.

If you’re experiencing pain related to your spine, make an appointment and find quality relief for your Neck Pain in Navarre! (850) 939-3339

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