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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

5 Back Pain Myths – Debunked!

Navarre ChiropracticThe majority of people will experience back pain in Navarre FL at some point in their lives. It’s also the main reason people miss work! How much do you know about back pain? Lets test your knowledge with these common back pain myths that have been debunked.

No Pain, Nothing Wrong

The amount of pain you feel in your back doesn’t always reflect the physical damage you are dealing with. Most people are under the assumption that if they don’t feel any pain there is nothing wrong. Unfortunately pain is a poor indicator of health status. In fact, pain and other symptoms usually appear after a sickness or other condition has become advanced.

A good example would be a cavity in your tooth. Does it hurt when it first develops or only after it has become serious? Regardless if it’s a disease, cavities or back problems, pain is usually the last thing to appear.

Back Pain – Hereditary?

Generally, your genetics don’t play a significant role in where your back pain came from. Even if your parents or family members suffer from back pain, it doesn’t mean you are destined to deal with it as well.

However, lifestyle choices can be passed down. If your family doesn’t live a healthy lifestyle it can influence your actions, which could lead to serious back issues. We can offer lifestyle advice to ensure you stay healthy and pain-free over the long run! (850) 939-3339

All Back Pain Is Treated The Same

Every patient is unique and different. Therefore, each person requires a unique and customized treatment and wellness plan! The treatment we provide you is based on several factors such as health-related issues and concerns, types of treatments you are open to and past medical history.

We take each of these factors into consideration when suggesting the most effective and gentle treatment for your condition.

Recover By Staying In Bed

Although bed rest can help alleviate your back pain, it’s not recommended to stay in bed for more than a couple of days. Inactivity can worsen your pain if you remain immobile for an extended period. Physical therapy and rehab would be highly recommended to get you back up and moving.

The best way to recover is to visit our office for regular Navarre Chiropractic treatment. (850) 549-5315

Prevent Back Pain By Sitting Up Straight

The goal is to keep your posture relaxed with the natural curvature of your spine. If you are positioning your body at an over exaggerated 90 degree angle you will put a strain on your spinal discs, associated muscles and tendons. This type of posture tightens your muscles and positions your back in an unnatural way, causing back aches and pain.

There is no perfect posture that can be held for a significant amount of time. You should change your position throughout the day, especially if you are stuck sitting at a desk most of your day.

If you have questions or concerns about back pain in Navarre, contact Pickett Chiropractic!

(850) 549-5315 or Use Our Contact Form

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