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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

4 Ways You Can Help Prevent Back Pain

Back Pain Relief NavarreAre you in Navarre and suffering from Back Pain? Dealing with this kind of pain is extremely common and can be caused by many different activities. Things like heavy lifting and sitting at a desk all day can take a toll on your spine!

Although determining where your back pain is coming from can be a little complicated, there are ways you can alleviate your pains or prevent them from becoming a serious issue!

Are you suffering and need Back Pain Relief In Navarre? Call us! (850) 939-3339


Begin by improving your physical health. Your spine reflects the overall health of your body! Work to improve your overall physical fitness and general health to benefit your lumbar spine. This includes drinking an adequate amount of water, cutting down on alcohol, eating anti-inflammatory foods and not smoking.

It is also important to get good deep sleeps, as too little sleep can lead to back pain and can even worsen an existing back condition!


How’s your posture? Bad posture places pressure on your spine and can cause degenerated discs to become more painful! Try to support the natural curve in your lower spine by using an ergonomic chair and make sure to check your posture as you work throughout the day.

Also make sure to get up and walk around as often as possible if you sit most of the day. The more you practice good posture the easier it will be to maintain it! Need more advice? Just contact us!


Strong core muscles are important because they provide support for the lower back and help to avoid injuries. If exercise seems impossible, make small goals for yourself to get yourself moving at your own pace, such as going up and down a flight of stairs, walking with a friend or even sitting on an exercise ball!

Low-impact cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking increases blood flow to the spine, which supplies healing nutrients and hydration to the structures in your lower back!


A little-known cause of low back pain is tight hamstrings! Implementing a few simple hamstring stretches can help dramatically decrease the pressure on your pelvis and provide relief in your lower back!

But wait! Not all hamstring stretches are equal when it comes to different types of back conditions, so check with your Navarre Chiropractor first and we’ll give you the information you need!


If you are currently experiencing back pain, know that you are not alone! We hope these tips will help you in preventing or minimizing your back pain.

Call (850) 939-3339 to schedule an appointment with us today!

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