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Navarre, FL 32566

8 Things That Are Hurting Your Joints

Navarre Chiropractic TreatmentLiving with joint pain is no joke! But did you know there are numerous things that you come across on a daily basis that could be avoided to improve your pains and wellness?

We are your experts at Pain Relief in Navarre. Call us to schedule a consultation! (850) 939-3339


Do you smoke, dip or chew tobacco? Here’s another reason to quit smoking – Your joints will thank you!

The nicotine you’re putting into your body cuts down the blood flow to the cushioning discs in your spine and bones, limiting how much calcium your body can take in. It also slows new growth that thicken your bones, making your joints weak and your hips more likely to break!


You don’t get enough support in your feet and ankles wearing worn out shoes. You’ll start to feel it in your hips, knees and back. Make sure you wear the proper shoes if you play sports, but don’t wear too much cushion in your shoes as that will keep you in pain as well! And heels? Leave them at home!

Body Weight

Having extra weight on you can make all of your joints painful, stuff and swollen, including your hands! It also triggers inflammation. Your joints hold your bones together and are sensitive to heavy loads, and having too much weight on you adds stress to your joints which in turn leads to aches, pain and damage.


If you carry around a backpack, messenger bag or purse that has a lot of stuff in it, you could be straining your shoulders and neck! If you only carry things on one side, the constant pull will overstretch your joints and muscles. Walking with heavy weight can also throw off your balance and your walk.

Skipping Strength Training

After 40 years old your bones start to get thinner and become more likely to break. Strength training will not only help build muscles but it also helps slow bone loss and trigger new growth! With stronger muscles and denser bones, your joints will be more stabilized so it will be less likely you get hurt.

Skipping Stretching

Stretching helps strengthen your muscles and tendons. Regular stretching also helps you become more flexible. When your joints have more mobility, you move more easily and the muscles around them work much better. The secret to healthy mobile joints is stretching!

Bad Sleep

Did you know if you don’t get quality sleep it can affect your joints? One study found that people suffering with arthritis were in more pain after restless nights! It’s said that inflammation is triggered in the body when you don’t sleep well, so work on getting some good shut eye if you want to avoid pain!

Ignoring Your Pain

You should know that joint pain is not normal! It’s true that some muscle soreness is okay, but if it lasts for days or if you can’t move or be touched without hurting, you need to be seen by a medical professional!


We want you to feel your best. Contact us today and allow us to help you manage your pain with gentle Chiropractic Treatment In Navarre. (850) 939-3339


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