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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

How Chiropractic Can Help Sciatica Suffering

navarre chiropractic treatmentChiropractic Treatment in Navarre has been found to be extremely effective in alleviating the pain of a condition called Sciatica.

This painful issue affects 1 in 10 adults and is most common between the age 25 through 45.

The pain can be so severe that it inhibits mobility and can prevent people from working and enjoying life!

Need some professional assistance in feeling better? Call us! (850) 939-3339

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a condition where pain travels along the sciatic nerve path down the leg. This path originates in the lower back and and down the leg, and usually only one side is affected during a case.

Sciatica commonly occurs when there is a spinal condition, such as a bone spur on the spine, a herniated disk, or compression of the nerve. The result is painful inflammation, numbness, and stiffness in the affected leg!

While sciatica pain can be severe, most of the time the condition is resolved in a matter of weeks without surgery.

Most of the time, doctors will prescribe medication to treat the pain and relax the muscles that surround the sciatic path in an effort to provide the patient with some relief.

How Chiropractic Treatment Helps

Chiropractic Treatment in Navarre has been shown to be very effective in treating sciatica by helping the body heal itself!

It is non-invasive and medication-free, making it an optimal choice for many patients. Call to schedule an appointment! (850) 939-3339

Spinal manipulation, or adjustments, is the core of chiropractic treatment. It helps to realign your spine and free restricted movement so that it functions better and more effectively.

Chiropractic adjustments also help reduce pains associated with nerve inflammation, particularly associated with sciatica.

Start Living Pain Free

Since each patient is different, we will talk with you to better understand what you do on a day-to-day basis and what may be causing the sciatic pain to occur.

From there we will treat the problem with the best, most effective approach!

If you or a loved one is suffering from this condition, please give us a call. Our Chiropractic Treatment in Navarre is available! (850) 939-3339

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