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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

8 Things Treated By A Chiropractor In Navarre

A Chiropractor In Navarre treats conditions that are related to your body’s structure. Our main goal is to relieve pain and improve function! We don’t prescribe drugs or do surgery; we adjust your spine and other body parts to get them in proper alignment.

Chiropractic care is based on the idea that when your body is aligned properly, there is a better chance of healing yourself. The best part is that chiropractic treatment covers common ailments people suffer from!

Call our office to get started at (850) 939-3339 and improve your health and wellness!

Low Back Pain

First, low back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek treatment from a chiropractor. Spinal manipulation often focuses on back pain and research shows that people with low back pain benefit from going to a chiropractor!

Some research even suggested people with low back pain got better relief from going to a chiropractor than from going to their family doctor.

Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash is a type of neck injury that often results from a car accident. Whiplash causes pain and stiffness in your neck and can worsen when you try to move it! You may even feel dizzy or nauseous.

Chiropractic adjustments are a top treatment for auto injuries. A chiropractor may have you do exercises and stretching at home and we will also show you how to use heat or ice to reduce muscle spasms and swelling.

Neck Pain

Chiropractors often treat neck pain with neck manipulations, also called adjustments. In some cases, these neck adjustments can work better than pain medications!

You may want visit with our Chiropractor In Navarre if you have been suffering in pain for a long time. Call us! (850) 939-3339

Tension Headaches

Chiropractic adjustments may also help if you have tension headaches. Stress and bad posture can cause tension headaches. A chiropractor might adjust your neck and give you some stretching exercises.

We may also suggest healthy ways to reduce stress and relieve your headaches, including proper posture practice.

Knee Pain

Most often, wear and tear on the knee joint causes knee osteoarthritis. This is a very common condition that chiropractic can help with!

This type of treatment may work better than knee exercises alone. Some people treated with chiropractic have less pain and better movement after a few weeks of treatment.

Migraine Headaches

Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments decrease migraine frequency, pain, and the need for medications! We think this is because chiropractic care reduces overall stress, which may reduce the effect of migraines.

We can also give you advice on wellness and some changes in your diet that may help treat migraines and other types of headaches, if needed. Call to get started! (850) 939-3339

Pelvic Pain

You have a sacroiliac (SI) joint that is located at the bottom of your spine. These joint problems cause a different type of lower back pain that you feel in your buttock or the back of your thigh.

Chiropractors treat this pain with adjustments! You may also be taught how to avoid straining your SI joint and how to practice certain exercises to strengthen your core muscles, which are the muscles that support this joint.

Shoulder Pain

Finally, if you suffer from a stiff or painful shoulder, chiropractic treatment may be able to help you! This condition is called frozen shoulder syndrome. People with frozen shoulder may enjoy  less pain and more movement after chiropractic care.

Your chiropractor will stretch the muscles surrounding your shoulder and show you how to perform more stretches at home.

Contact Us For Effective Chiropractic Treatment

Through chiropractic adjustments at our office, many patients experience decreased and/or eliminated pain, as well as many other health and wellness benefits such as increased energy and better sleep quality!

Make your appointment today with the best Chiropractor In Navarre to keep your spine healthy and get back to living a pain-free life! (850) 939-3339

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