Contact Us

Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

Navarre Chiropractic Treatment Is For Everybody!

navarre chiropractorFor the highest quality Navarre Chiropractic Treatment that is for everybody, visit with us!

We offer a variety of safe, gentle techniques which are designed to restore proper spinal alignment, improve nervous system function, and alleviate pain.

Our techniques are effective for all age groups – children to seniors – and treat the actual cause of your symptoms instead of just masking the symptoms as prescription drugs often do!

Call us today to get started! (850) 939-3339

Corrective Exercises and Lifestyle Advice

Next, our patients are taught stretches and exercises to help strengthen and correct problems on an individual basis. Most of these exercises can be performed at home or at work and do not require heavy equipment. Dr. Pickett may also advise patients on what lifestyle changes they could make to improve their condition.

Auto Injury Care

If you have been in an auto accident and were told you have “soft-tissue” injuries, or if you are experiencing any whiplash symptoms, schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Pickett today. Soft-tissue injuries, if left untreated, can last for years or even for a lifetime!

Our Commitment To You

We are dedicated to above all else helping people. That’s why we offer only the highest quality services delivered with only the highest quality chiropractic equipment.

We also want your visit to our office to be as convenient and stress-free as possible. We focus on minimal wait times and adequate length of appointment times so that you never feel rushed or short-changed during your time with us.

Contact us to schedule a visit! (850) 939-3339

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