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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

3 Signs You Need Auto Accident Treatment In Navarre

navarre whiplash treatmentYou might quickly realize you need Auto Accident Treatment in Navarre!

Things such as cuts and fractures present themselves with clear symptoms such as pain, but symptoms of whiplash may not show any immediate signs of injury.

Keep alert for the following auto injury symptoms. To be safe, we recommend you visit our office. Give us a call now at (850) 939-3339 and we will help you start feeling better as quickly as possible!


First, if you begin to experience back pain a few hours to a few days after a car accident, it may be a symptom of a soft tissue injury, herniated disc, a spinal injury, or whiplash!

If you experience numbness or tingling in addition to back pain, you may have pinched nerves. These conditions can cause debilitating pain and lessen your mobility so it’s important to seek treatment as soon as your symptoms appear.

We specialize in auto injuries and use gentle, natural treatments to help relieve your accident pains!


It is highly recommended to seek medical attention for a headache even if you think it’s not serious. As a car accident survivor, you need to be aware of the risk of traumatic brain injury.

Unfortunately, it can be easy to miss a headache or dizziness after a car accident. You may assume it’s just a simple headache or it’s from stress. But, if you ignore your dizziness, vision issues, or other symptoms of head injury, it can be fatal! Get evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible.

Call 850-939-3339 now for Auto Accident Treatment in Navarre.


Next, pain in the neck or shoulder can point to a spinal injury or herniated disc. This is a common, but painful symptom of whiplash.

Pain in these areas may not show up until days after your car accident but if you begin notice these symptoms contact Pickett Chiropractic immediately for chiropractic treatment.

Start living pain-free today by contacting us for Auto Accident Treatment in Navarre! (850) 939-3339

Visit A Navarre Chiropractor For These 3 Benefits

navarre chiropracticIt is recommended to visit a Navarre Chiropractor if you are tired of suffering from neck or back pain. But that’s not all chiropractic care is good for!

In fact, you can enjoy a whole list of health benefits when you have regular visits with your chiropractor.

Call us at (850) 939-3339 to discuss what we can do for you!

Improved Immune System

First, a healthy immune system is extremely important as it helps keep sickness at bay. Even the slightest misalignment in your spine can interrupt the process of your nervous system!

Our excellent chiropractic care helps to restore function to your nerves and ensures your cells are operating correctly.

Higher Life Quality

Second, you should understand that professional chiropractic care is not just about your spine. It involves the nervous system and every other working part of the body.

Our overall goal in chiropractic care is to improve overall musculoskeletal health, which impacts your daily function and quality of life. Improve your quality of life with us!

More Energy

Third, when something is off in the body muscles and joints tense up, resulting in painful inflammation. We understand this gets in the way of living!

With chiropractic treatment, joint and muscle discomfort are reduced, and you get a vitality boost! Call our expert team today! (850) 939-3339

Contact Us Today

Improve your health and wellness with the many benefits of regular chiropractic care! Our experts are here to help.

Book your session with us today by contacting our Navarre Chiropractor(850) 939-3339

Contact Us For Navarre Back Pain Relief

navarre chiropractorEnd your suffering with natural and effective Navarre Back Pain Relief! Chiropractic adjustments provide you with back pain treatment that is a safe, non-invasive, and a non-addictive alternative to prescription or over-the-counter pain medications!

We offer corrective exercises, lifestyle advice, decompression therapy and much more to ensure you feel better fast and stay pain-free over the long run.

Call us today to schedule an appointment! (850) 939-3339

Why Choose Us

To start, our expert team of chiropractors deliver gentle treatment known as a chiropractic adjustment. This reduces joint restrictions or misalignments in the spine, helping reduce painful inflammation and improves both the joint and nervous system function!

By increasing joint mobility and improving your spinal health, your body can better manage symptoms caused by your back pain and you can ultimately begin to heal.

Benefits Of Chiropractic Treatment

Below are some quick health benefits that you get with Navarre Back Pain Relief –

Amazing Relief From Pain And Discomfort!

Decreased Inflammation

Better Flexibility

Improved Range Of Motion

Get Rid Of Back Pain Without Surgery

If you are currently experiencing back pain, take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

We offer a variety of safe techniques that are designed to restore proper spinal alignment, improve nervous system function, and alleviate pain!

Visit with us – 1816 Alpine Drive, Navarre, Florida 32566

To see if Navarre Back Pain Relief is right for your condition, call us today! (850) 939-3339

3 Tips For Back Pain Relief In Navarre

It is important to visit us for Back Pain Relief in Navarre if you are suffering! Acute and chronic back pain can tremendously impact your quality of life, so the quicker you address it, the better you will heal. Call us! (850) 939-3339

Chronic lower back pain has risen dramatically in the US with up to 80 percent of people experiencing back pain in their lifetime. Lower back pain is also the second leading cause of disability amongst Americans.

We treat patients who are experiencing lower back pain with high quality treatment options like chiropractic adjustments. Improve your quality of life today!

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

The first step in addressing your pain is to have a medical professional — your chiropractor — identify what exactly is going on and then create and implement a natural treatment plan.

Degenerative Disc Disease

First, this health issue is one of the more common causes of lower back pain we see. The spinal discs are meant to absorb your weight, and over time they wear down! As your discs age, you will feel the most discomfort in your lower back and upper spine.

Ligament & Muscle Strain

Next, Ligament and muscle strains are very common. Strains occur when these structures are stretched too far. Some common times this can happen is during a car accident, lifting too much, and falling.

Call us if you are suffering with Back Pain in Navarre! (850) 939-3339

Lack Of Movement

One of the more prevalent causes of lower back pain is a result of inactivity. As humans, we are meant to move. This is often disrupted by our current culture of work, sitting still at a desk for eight hours a day. The longer you sit, the more your muscles become tight and strained.

Nerve Issues

Finally, lower back pain can be a result from a pinched nerve between bones, tendons, or ligaments. This usually occurs from repetitive motion or being in one position for too long.

Quick Tips To Alleviate Back Pain

If you are experiencing acute or chronic lower back pain, seeing our chiropractor sooner rather than later can be helpful.

Some people spend days, even weeks in pain just to see if the pain will go away on its own. If you are in pain, schedule for treatment! If your spine and nerves have been disrupted, a chiropractor can address this immediately — and patients often find relief after one treatment!

Also, get serious about stretching! Fluid movements can positively impact your lower back pain. Be gentle with yourself and begin slowly.

Finally, soaking salts work wonders! Comprised of magnesium salts, Epsom salts are great for pain relief. Magnesium supports muscle and nerve relaxation, so it is perfect for a sore back.

Visit Us For Gentle Relief

To schedule an appointment, connect with our office today! We provide patients with fast, long-term relief of back pain that is less expensive and less risky than other treatment options, such as surgery and prescription drugs.

We are dedicated above all else to helping people. That is why we offer only the highest quality services delivered with only the highest quality chiropractic equipment.

Call now for Back Pain Relief in Navarre! (850) 939-3339

Visiting A Navarre Auto Injury Chiropractor Is Crucial

auto accident chiropractor navarre flYou might be surprised to learn that a Navarre Auto Injury Chiropractor can provide a drug-free way to relieve your pain from an accident!

Back pain or neck pain after a car accident could mean you have a spinal or whiplash injury. If you do not receive proper care, these types of injuries can have a serious, negative impact on your health – leading to months, or possibly even years, of chronic pain.

We are experienced in treating patients who have been injured in automobile accidents and know the best methods for managing whiplash and spinal injuries–without resorting to medication or surgery.

Call us today to find relief! (850) 939-3339

Natural, Drug-Free Pain Relief

When you suffer from an auto accident, the musculoskeletal system is knocked out of proper alignment from the force of the accident. Back and neck pain occurs as a result!

A whiplash injury happens from the force of a rear-impact accident, causing an abrupt forward and backward movement of the cervical spine. Whiplash also strains the neck muscles, which causes stiffness, pain, and soreness.

If you do not have your injuries seen soon after the accident, your injuries can and most likely will worsen over time, and nobody wants that!

Our Navarre Auto Injury Chiropractor addresses the underlying injury, offering a long-term solution when it comes to managing the pain. Call us! (850) 939-3339

Chiropractic adjustments not only relieve pressure on the muscles and nerves, but it also brings alignment back to the spine.

Additional therapies, such as corrective exercise and stretching, can also help bring back the body’s full range of motion.

We Are Your Expert Auto Injury Team

If you are suffering from an auto accident injury, don’t wait to deal with your pain!

We provide treatment that support your body’s natural healing process,  helping you avoid a lifetime of chronic pain or other health problems.

Contact our Navarre Auto Injury Chiropractor today! (850) 939-3339