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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

4 Auto Injury Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Back Pain In Navarre

If you’ve been involved in a car accident you might quickly realize you need auto injury care in Navarre. Some injuries such as cuts and fractures present themselves with clear symptoms such as pain. Other injuries may not show any immediate signs of injury.

It’s important to get a medical evaluation soon after your . . . → Read More: 4 Auto Injury Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Navarre Chiropractic Center

Don’t let pain and discomfort ruin your life.

Dr. Joshua Pickett is available to you in Navarre, FL at his Navarre Chiropractic Center.

Dr. Pickett is a Palmer Graduate who has 7 years of training and experience in the treatment of spinal and musculoskeletal injuries.

Dr. Pickett has also received extensive training in the . . . → Read More: Navarre Chiropractic Center

Navarre Chiropractic Adjustment

Back pain sufferers in Navarre Florida may have it worse than people in other areas of the country. With activities like fishing, surfing and even long commutes on Highway 98, back injury is certainly a possibility that we all want to avoid. And with the holiday season upon us, along with family and work . . . → Read More: Navarre Chiropractic Adjustment