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5 Serious Symptoms From Lack Of Sleep

Chiropractic adjustments in NavarreWe all know someone who likes staying up late at night, especially if there’s work that needs to be done! But did you know that there are hidden dangers behind it?

Sleeping recharges your body both physically and mentally. It helps you regain the energy that is exerted and it helps your brain to be able to create new and fresh ideas!

So what happens when you fall into a bad habit of sleep deprivation? Will it cost parts of your health? Continue reading to learn the Top 5 Symptoms From Lack Of Sleep.

Diabetes & Heart Disease

Did you know that people who sleep less than 8 hours a night have a higher chance of getting Heart Disease and Diabetes? Your body can’t regulate glucose properly because your insulin sensitivity and glucose declines, resulting in Type 2 Diabetes!

Going a long time without sleep can also result in a serious cardiovascular deficiency. According to a study by American Cancer Society, those who sleep for 4 hours or less a night have a higher fatality rate from coronary heart disease than those who sleep 7-8 hours a night!

Decreased Lifespan

It may seem a little intense but it’s a fact – being sleep deprived for a long period of time can shorten your life!

A study from 2010 found that people who sleep for less than 5-7 hours a night have a higher chance of a decreased lifespan by 12% and people who sleep more than 8-9 hours a night have a rocketing 30% tendency of dying early! So what does that mean?

If you want to live longer, the ideal amount of sleep that a person should have a night is right at 7-8 hours.

Bad Decision Making

A study from 2015 discovered that risky decision making varies in gender following sleep loss and minimal drinking. Men seem to have a higher tendency to make risky decisions and reckless behavior.

In contrast, women have a lower tendency to make risky decisions but are more at risk for motor accidents than men!

Loss Of Brain Power

Lack of sleep makes it hard for your brain to focus and learn new things. Some of the most common problems are a slow response time, difficulty in adaptive thinking and memorization issues!

Researchers say that sleep deprivation makes it hard for people to use their attention. When given a task, they have a good start in the beginning but their performance will begin to drop.

It’s important to make sure you get a good amount of sleep if you know of an event coming up that will require energy and brain work!

Accident Prone

Did you know that once your brain is exhausted with no rest, it has the power to shut down for a moment if it needed to? You can’t prevent it from happening because it’s an involuntary behavior!

It’s called microsleep and is a common cause of car accidents because you can fall asleep suddenly with no warning!

Sadly, motor accidents caused by sleepiness have a comparable fatality rate to accidents caused by alcohol. Give your brain the rest it needs!

Make Sleep A Priority

Having proper sleep is very important to maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle. You must sleep to function properly and have a fresh perspective on the things in your life!

Give yourself the care that it requires because nobody will do that except you.

Start with regular Chiropractic Adjustments in Navarre. We have your back! Call (850) 939-3339

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