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Pickett Chiropractic
1816 Alpine Drive
Navarre, FL 32566

6 Alternative Treatments For Back Pain

Back Pain In Navarre FLBack Pain in Navarre is a growing problem! Studies show that low back pain affects more than 80% of adults at some point in their lives!

Back pain may develop suddenly from muscle strain caused by an accident or heavy lifting. Conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis or scoliosis can also cause serious back pain.

There is no single treatment that works for everyone so let’s explore some alternative treatments for your back pain!

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are a great way to manage back pain without surgery!

Adjustments involve using the hands to adjust, massage or stimulate your spine. However, spinal manipulation is not safe for everyone, including people who have arhtitis, osteoporosis or spinal cord problems.

Give us a call to schedule a consultation to see what works best for you! (850) 939-3339

Good Posture

Do you pay attention to your posture? Having a good posture may help reduce your back pain!

Bad posture could be the cause of back pain for a lot of people. Taking the necessary steps to correct it may bring great relief.

One study found that participants who completed an 8-week exercise program that corrected their posture experienced back and shoulder pain relief!

Weight Loss

Your back muscles, bones and joints work hard to support the body as you move around and sit. Being overweight can cause back pain due to increased stress on the spine and strain on the muscles along your back!

One study even found that obesity has many links to high levels of Back Pain in Navarre.

Losing that extra weight could help alleviate some, or all, of your back pains if weight is a factor! Call us at (850) 939-3339 to schedule an appointment and we can offer some lifestyle advice for your specific case!


Although it may be difficult to stay active while suffering in pain, frequent movement is one of the best natural treatments!

Research suggests that exercises that strengthen the neck and back muscles can reduce pain in people with chronic neck and back pain.

Natural brain chemicals called endorphins that are released during exercise can also help stop pain by binding to opioid receptors in the brain. This has a mild effect similar to opioid pain medications! Amazing!

Proper Shoes

Wearing the wrong type of shoes can cause your hips, back and legs to misalign, leading to back pain! High heels, tight shoes or shoes that offer poor support are serious back pain culprits.

Decompression Therapy

Decompression therapy involves doing gentle stretches and movements that relieve tension and can strengthen weaker areas to help relieve pain.

A large study found that people who used this kind of therapy for their lower back pain were less likely to need other health care services for pain later!

Safe, Gentle, Effective Treatment

Back Pain in Navarre is often a result of an injury or overuse of your back muscles. You can improve your health and wellness naturally using Chiropractic Treatment and more at our office!

Call today to get started! (850) 939-3339

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